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Ritmare metadata

Revision as of 13:01, 15 November 2013 by Cfugazza (Talk | contribs)

INSPIRE RNDT SensorML ODP RDF mapping Notes
Resource title(*) dataset / title <dataset URI> dct:title "title"
Unique resource identifier [1...n](*) Identificatore del file [1](*) dataset / URI <dataset URI> rdf:type dcat:Dataset 1) INSPIRE mandates a unique identifier, ODP metadata refer to a DCAT dataset, 2) not mandatory for services, 3) RDF triple for gmd:codeSpace to be added 4) once chosen a codespace for ritmare (es. http://ritmare.cnr.it/), we can use a URN of format iPA:cod-Ente:aaaammgg:hhmmss as Unique resource identifier and codespace+URN as dataset / URI
Resource abstract(*) dataset / description <dataset URI> dct:description "description"
Resource Type(*) dataset / type <dataset URI> ecodp:datasetType <datasetTypeURI> compare INSPIRE codelist with http://ec.europa.eu/open-data/kos/dataset-type/Taxonomy http://ec.europa.eu/open-data/kos/dataset-type/Thesaurus
Resource locator(*) dataset / distribution / URL <distribution URI> dcat:accessURL "URL" a "distribution" entity shall be created for each resource
Coupled resource ? ? find suitable ODP metadata field to express this
Id file precedente [1](*) for the first version of a dataset, it is same as Identificatore del file
Resource language dataset / language <dataset URI> dct:language "<NAL code>" NAL codes are different from those used in INSPIRE metadata, requires mapping between the two SKOS thesauri
Classification of spatial data and services
Topic category dataset / keyword <dataset URI> ecodp:keyword "keyword" 1) use the originating thesaurus to distinguish between Topic category, Spatial data service type, and keywords; 2)use prefLabel (in the language associated with metadata) for a text representation; 3) need to store a URI
Spatial data service type dataset / keyword <dataset URI> ecodp:keyword "keyword" 1) use the originating thesaurus to distinguish between Topic category, Spatial data service type, and keywords; 2)use prefLabel (in the language associated with metadata) for a text representation; 3) need to store a URI
Keyword value dataset / keyword <dataset URI> ecodp:keyword "keyword" 1) use the originating thesaurus to distinguish between Topic category, Spatial data service type, and keywords; 2) use prefLabel (in the language associated with metadata) for a text representation; 3) need to store a URI
Originating controlled vocabulary 1) implied by keyword value; 2) use prefLabel (in the language associated with metadata) for a text representation, use the thesaurus publication date and type
Geographic location
Geographic bounding box dataset / geographical coverage <dataset URI> dct:spatial <spatial URI> may not be sufficient to express a bounding box
Temporal reference
Temporal extent dataset / temporal coverage / coverage from

dataset / temporal coverage / coverage to

<dataset URI> dct:temporal <period>

<period> ecodp:periodStart <datetime>

<period> ecodp:periodEnd <datetime>

Not mandatory but at least one temporal reference is required
Date of publication dataset / issued <dataset URI> dct:issued <datetime> Not mandatory but at least one temporal reference is required
Date of last revision dataset / last modification date <dataset URI> dct:modified <datetime> Not mandatory but at least one temporal reference is required
Date of creation ? ? Not mandatory but at least one temporal reference is required
Degree ? ?
Specification ? ?
Constraints related to access and use
Limitations on public access dataset / licence <dataset URI> dct:license <license URI> 1) add ISO codelist to thesauri; 2) mismatch with NAL codes
Conditions applying to access and use ? ?
Responsible organisation
Responsible party <dataset URI> dct:publisher <publisher URI> <dataset URI> ecodp:contactPoint <contactPointURI> 1) verify http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/corporate-

body/INFSO; 2) the ODP metadata format requires this value to be a resource: using the FOAF entity describing a RITMARE individual provides the data items required by INSPIRE (organisation name, E-mail)

Responsible party role ? ?
Metadata on metadata
Metadata point of contact(*) ? ?
Metadata date dataset / catalog record / issued <record URI> dct:issued <datetime>
Metadata language [1](*) Lingua dei metadati [1](*) ? ? the ODP format does not reserve a field for the meadata language
Set dei caratteri dei metadati [0...1] we could make if fixed (e.g., utf8); anyway, it's optional

(*) = mandatory item