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Ritmare metadata

Revision as of 11:31, 12 November 2013 by Cfugazza (Talk | contribs)

Resource title dataset / title
Resource abstract dataset / description
Resource Type ...
Resource locator ...
Unique resource identifier ...
Coupled resource ...
Resource language ...
Classification of spatial data and services
Topic category ...
Spatial data service type ...
Keyword value ...
Originating controlled vocabulary ...
Geographic location
Geographic bounding box ...
Temporal reference
Temporal extent ...
Date of publication ...
Date of last revision ...
Date of creation ...
Degree ...
Specification ...
Constraints related to access and use
Limitations on public access ...
Conditions applying to access and use ...
Responsible organisation
Responsible party ...
Responsible party role ...
Metadata on metadata
Metadata point of contact dataset / contact point the ODP metadata format requires this value to be a resource: using the FOAF entity describing a RITMARE individual provides the data items required by INSPIRE (organisation name, E-mail)
Metadata date ...
Metadata language ...