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Demo Starter Kit

Revision as of 11:09, 30 July 2014 by Cfugazza (Talk | contribs)

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Link allo SK di ISMAR (per avere anche la parte SOS).

Changes w.r.t. the available GeoNode software:

  • added tab "sensors" for accessing the SWE functionalities that are provided
  • added tab "services" for making explicit the OGC services that are exposed
  • changed many interface features (e.g., ordering and naming of tabs, browsing by categories, etc.)
  • authentication for the 52n software is integrated with that of GeoNode
  • registration of individual nodes is centralized
  • integrated the SOS Client
  • integrated the Edi metadata editing software
    • Edi = Italian counterpart to "The Helper", Gyro's (Archimede) first invention in Disney's comics
    • demonstration of RNDT metadata editing is more interesting because of the many supporting codelists and the automatic computation of some values?
    • of the 43 fields required by the Italian profile for INSPIRE metadata (34 mandatory, some require multiple values to be provided)
      • 11 are automatically assigned
      • 4 are computed at data upload-time
      • 8 are defaulted to (meaningful) values
      • 10 are supported by codelists/controlled vocabularies/generic RDF data structures
      • only 10 need to be provided from scratch (6 mandatory)
    • features:
      • SKOS codelists translated into the language chosen for metadata (e.g. switch from Italian to English or vice-versa)
      • lookup in FOAF description of people and institutions, also good for later use for access control/governance, (e.g., select an email among the IREA personnell)
      • widgets for prividing dates
      • autocompletion for SKOS thesauri too large for rendering as a dropdown list (e.g., start filling in "observation parameter" with "conc")
      • resource constraints default to values applicable to open data
      • many fields default to values computed at data upload-time (e.g., the bounding box)
    • upon POSTing of data:
      • the XML file is generated for insertion in the appropriate catalog service
      • semantic information is stored for later use by the central repository (e.g., the URIs of people, institutions, codes)